New Recipe

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Binky clips for Soothies!

Would work for other binkies as well!

I am so in love with the new binky clips I made. As some of you might know it's hard to find binky clips that work for the soothie kind, well that's all my kids take so I needed to come up with something that would work...and here they are!

These are easy to pull together in just a few minutes (a great nap time craft to work on!), I cheated and bought the ribbon like that but there are tutorials out there on how to make your own, I used about 1/4 yard. I sewed a loop on one end (I just ribbon cause that's what I had on hand, I think elastic would work great here cause then you don't have to worry about the size of loop). Keep in mind that your loop needs to be big enough to fit the binky through it as well as the ribbon. At the other end I hot glued a clip on that I got at Hobby Lobby (or any craft store would work!). That's it!!! You'll just put your loop through one of the holes and pull the ribbon through it!

To me this is pretty basic but if you'd like pictures to go along with it let me know, I'd be happy to whip up another one:) You can never have too many!!

Link ups:



  1. These are adorable! Thanks so much for linking them up with us! They are featured on our Facebook wall!


  2. Thanks so much! That just made my day!!!

  3. These are so cute! Great to have one for the soothies! We are so happy that you linked up to our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday" and we hope you see you back next week!! -The Sisters
