So I'm excited to show you all my family binder. It's the most important thing that I'd grab in case of an emergency. It has all our information in it and includes copies (or will include copies once I'm done) of all our safe documents so if our home is ever broken into and our safe stolen I'll know all the information they took. It also includes everything in our wallet with CC numbers written down so if my purse or husbands wallet is ever stolen I know all the contact numbers to block cards and report to the police everything that was in the wallet/purse. I'm going to be starting with one section at a time so you can follow along and get your binder put together as well. I'll post a new section every Wednesday and hope to have it all wrapped up in one month!!
First thing you're going to need is a binder, dividers, and sheet protectors.
Here's what the inside looks like. I have a label for each family member, home, keys, numbers, purse/wallet, safe copies
The first thing in the binder is a sheet protector with the front cut in half to make it easy to slip papers into. I use this for those moments when I'm to busy to write the information down but it needs to go into the binder, that way it stays in the binder and when I have a spare moment I write everything down.
Then after each persons name are these 6-7 pages - Personal Information, Personal Medical Information, Work History (for me and my husband), Medical History, Prescriptions, Immunizations, Dental History
I'd really like to make these so that you can just print them off from here but until I figure that out I'll give you a list of what's on each pages (and if you know how I can do that please let me know:) )
Personal -
Name, Dress size, waist, length, shirt size, neck, sleeve, pant size, inseam, sock size, shoe size, preferred colors, preferred brands, important dates to remember, school/work schedule, school/work address/phone #, wish list
I can't tell you how many times I refer to this page for Christmas and Birthdays! It's great information to have on hand and then they have no idea:)
Personal Medical Information -
Name, Address, Doctor, Phone # (doc), Insurance co, account # (insurance), Hospital, religious preference, dentist, phone # (dentist), in emergency notify, birth date, height, weight, eyes, hair, blood type, blood pressure, past medical problems, allergies, medications presently taken, surgeries, other, updated
Work History -
For this one I have the same information repeated 5 times on a page (I printed a few pages). You wouldn't believe how helpful this was in filling out applications when my husband was looking for work.
Dates, Employer, position title, address, phone #, supervisor, hours per week, salary
Medical History -
This is what I use to write down each time we go in to see the doctor so it's 3 columns and at the top there's Date, Doctor, Description (the doctor part has really come in hand especially when I find a doctor I don't prefer I know to stay away next time if our regular doctor is unavailable)
Prescriptions -
This is like the doctor one with the columns, there are 5 - date, doctor, number, reason, type/amount/dosage
Immunizations -
The same as Medical History and Prescriptions with 3 columns labeled, Type, Date, Place
Dental History -
3 columns with date, dentist, description
So there you have the first section of the book. This is the biggest part and takes the most time and effort keeping up with it but it's so handy to have and will come to great use in case of an emergency or if someone else needs to take your child to the doctor!! I'd also add in a family pictures (make sure to update) so that you have a resent picture of everyone in case of emergency!