Friday, September 28, 2012

Just Because/Thinking of You Gift


So this idea was totally thrown together with things I had around the house. It's a little corny but I thought it was still cute:)   

Here's what in the basket...

I'd go "nuts" without you
You make me want to "shout"
You have such a big "heart"
You are so "bubble" -ly
You are a "souper" friends, mother and daughter of God
I always have a "popping" good time with you

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Christmas in July - Date Night Idea

Ok, if you know me you know I'm a little cheese at times but hey that makes life different and fun. I found this idea on Love, Actually. It was on our list I gave my husband for Christmas last year which I posted about here.

Around here it's been hard to get in a date night but I knew my husband was coming home for the night so I pulled this together last minute. We had such a great time with it though.

First I pulled out the Christmas lights and draped them over the curtains. Then I pulled out some Christmas movies for him to choose from. We also had hot chocolate ready and don't forget the present!

We know it's hard to get to date night every week but I feel it's very important to take the time to be together. This was great for us cause we were able to relax together after the kids had gone to bed.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Organizing My Fabric

So I saw this AWESOME idea on Pinterest and had to give it a shot. I had all my fabric just thrown into a big box and it was always so hard to see what I had. I loved this idea and the organization of it.

All you need is hanging folders to hang your fabric on. I just folded the fabric however it would fit onto the file folder. Each fabric was a different cut so they were all different folds. I also cute the folders in half so that I had two, if you have a heavy piece of fabric you could just use one folder for extra support. We don't have much room in our house so mine are in a box that is made for hanging folders (found at Staples or Office Depot). I Love It! It's so much easier to see everything, they stay nice and pressed and take up less room!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Yummy Treat for Any Occasion

These are a great treat for any occasion you might have coming up or just for a after school snack. All it takes is pretzels, chocolate kisses, and M&M's. You could easily substitute the chocolate kisses for anything (give rolo's a shot...I hear they are amazing). Just place the pretzels down on a cookie sheet. Place on chocolate kiss on top and place into the oven on broil for only a minute or two (just enough time to melt the chocolate). Remove immediately and place one M&M on top. Let cool and enjoy!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Cards Cards Cards

Here are a few more samples of cards I have done and others have done from my card group!

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