Thursday, January 10, 2013

Halloween - Cowgirl Jessie!

Here's my cutie Megan in her Halloween outfit! I must say I was pretty happy with how this came out! I made the shirt, cow apron and tutu (although I need to find a better way to make tutus!). I finished the night before we were headed out trick or treating so just in time.

First, the shirt. I bought a plain white shirt at Target. All I could find was one with a pocket on it but it still worked just fine. Then I laid down the yellow (had a little plaid in it) and traced around the collar. Remember you'll want to leave just a tad of fabric to fold under and sew, that way you get a nice clean edge. I sewed on the yellow first. Then after trying out a few different red materials I found some red shoes lace at the fabric works perfect especially when you're trying to get the loops to lay flat. It was quite easy to hand sew the red shoe lace on. I just drew a line as a rough idea of where I wanted the loops to be.

The apron was simple. Just cut your fabric to the size you want. You'll want two pieces so before you cut lay your fabric right sides together. Then after you've cut your fabric sew along the sides. You can leave open the top so that you can flip it around. Then take some black ribbon, fold it in half and place the fabric in between. This will give you a nice finish at the top. Be sure to have enough ribbon that you can tie it in the back.

Hope that helps some of you looks for a Jessie Costume! (And just a fyi, I bought the boots and hat at on a good deal)

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