Saturday, January 7, 2012

Home Made Soap

So I went on a little adventure and decided to try and make our own hand/body soap! It wasn't too bad just a little busy but who cares if it's messy when it's just soap, it cleans everything it gets on, bonus!

So you start with just a bar of soup which I had on hand from some of the freebies that I get, start grating away. I ended up doing two bars because I doubled the recipe, I didn't want to have to do this multiple times. You need 1 cup of the bar (any brand will work great). Then you'll need 1 Tbsp of Glycerin, I got mine from my wonderful mother but I've heard you can also grab it at Target. If you don't see it on the isles ask your pharmacy, they might have it behind the counter. Next, you'll need 10 cups water.
After you've grated your bar combine it all in a large sauce pan and heat on medium until soap has completely dissolved. I then allowed it to cool completely before transferring it to my jug for storing. (it will thicken the long it cools, you could even let set over night).

I didn't have any cute storing containers for my soap so I just cleaned out a milk cartoon and put it in there. I didn't have any funnels to make this an easy process so my mom and I put our heads together and came up with this:)
 I just punched a hole in the bottom of one cup and used another to scoop it out! Worked great!! I now have a TON of soap stored and ready for when we run out!

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